Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In case the Clark Kent glasses, braid and pajamas don't clue you in, this blog entry is really geeky.  You have been warned.
So, two things bring out the geek in me: Disney and Superheroes.  Star Wars comes in third, but it's a step or two behind the others.
Don't judge.
In May, Iron Man 3 comes out.  In June, Superman comes out.  In November, Thor 2 comes out.  It's a good thing they're not all coming out closer together, because the heart attack would kill me.  It sounds silly and exaggerated, I know.  But I don't blame you for thinking so.  You can't really understand the level of my geekiness until you've been with me in the theatre as I watch a superhero movie for the first time.  I die.
Don't judge.
I could go into a nice explanation of why I love superheroes so much, but that's not really what sparked this post.  We'll save that for another day :)  What sparked this post is the idea of the superhero's lady.  It seems like pretty much each superhero has one. 
There is a significant part of me that believes in superheroes.  When I'm on a plane and scared of an explosion in the engine that tears off the side of the plane and I'm sucked out of the gaping hole (I hate flying), I sooth my fears, knowing that                 would swoop in and save me as I plummet to the ground.  When I'm out for a jog by myself late at night and I get an eerie feeling that I'm being followed, I brush those fears away, knowing that                   would stop the bad guy just in time, and I would be non the wiser.
I promise this post has a deeper point than how it's sounding thus far.  This is all just leading up to it.
In order to be the one saved from the plane, or the one watched over during the night jogs, I've gotta be the superhero's lady.  So I started thinking... what do I know about a superhero's lady?  Am I anything like one? 
First, we've never seen an unattractive one.  The ladies are beautiful.  I would never describe myself as beautiful.  So, whatever, there's that.
Then I realized that just because, at some point in their relationship, these ladies play the damsel in distress, they're not weak.  They're strong.  They have beliefs, values, and opinions.  They stand up for these things.  Whether the adversary they face is some larger-than-life, only-your-superhero-can-take-him-on villain, or the average-joe who is going against what they believe in, they don't back down.  They are plenty powerful.  They're good, and they fight on the side of good, as much they can, with the power that they have.
I would definitely like to work up to being the lady the superhero falls for.  She's a hero who stands for what is good, who helps people, and who fights her foes, without the radioactive bite, other-worldly powers, or millions of dollars to armor the rock-hard abs.  She seems like a pretty fantastic type of person to me.

1 comment:

  1. Aubs, if those are the criteria for a superhero's lady. You definitely meet them. You are totally one of the most gorgeous and kindest, give-you-the-shirt-off-my-back kind of people that I know. Love you.
