Friday, April 5, 2013

So, I'm from Southern California, going to school in Idaho.  Before beginning my first semester up here, I had seen it snow once.  Besides the fake stuff they do at Disneyland after the Christmas fireworks.  But anyway.  Most of my time up here has snow.  Flurries, blizzards, hail, freezing rain, slush crossing the street, patches of ice on the sidewalk, snowflakes which dance on the wind, right up into your nose... it's a new way of life.  As are seasons!  In Cali, it's warm.  Those are our seasons; WarmWinter, WarmSpring, HotSummer, WarmFall.  Sometimes it rains.  Sometimes it's kind of cold.  But it's generally warm.  AND I LIKE IT THAT WAY.
It's not that same way here.  Fall feels like how I imagine fall ought to feel; cold, crisp, brisk, with changing leaves.  You wear scarves out of necessity, not because they're cute.  And winter?  Well, I don't think this is how winter is suppose to feel.  A friend from back home told me once that "There's a crack in the ground in Rexburg, and the winds from hell rise up from there, and blow through the whole town".  I laughed when she told me.  I believe her now.  I don't believe hell is hot.  I believe it's cold, and there are great patches of ice everywhere, and even the snow is slippery, and stepping out of your apartment makes your nose hairs freeze, and even your eyeballs feel cold, and if you're not wearing earmuffs, you feel like there is some permanent damage being done to your eardrums because of the freezing air.
Anyway.  That was ranty.  Clearly, Rexburg weather is not my favorite.  However!!  To the point.
When you experience months of this bitter, biting, deathly, I-understand-what-the-pioneers-went-through type of winter, you LOVE THE HECK OUT OF SPRING. 
This week, spring has finally, graciously granted us with her presence.  The sun is shining, and you can actually feel the warmth from the sun.  These past couple of days, it's actually been hitting the 60s.  In the middle of this pst winter, I was wondering if I would live to see that again.  On Wednesday, I found myself sitting outside on the dead grass that has been buried under the snow for so long, soaking up the sun, listening to my music, and content as I could be-- in 58 degrees.  This place really does something to a person's head.  Living like a popsicle for months really changes your perspective on what a "nice, warm day" is!! 

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