Wednesday, April 24, 2013

In case the Clark Kent glasses, braid and pajamas don't clue you in, this blog entry is really geeky.  You have been warned.
So, two things bring out the geek in me: Disney and Superheroes.  Star Wars comes in third, but it's a step or two behind the others.
Don't judge.
In May, Iron Man 3 comes out.  In June, Superman comes out.  In November, Thor 2 comes out.  It's a good thing they're not all coming out closer together, because the heart attack would kill me.  It sounds silly and exaggerated, I know.  But I don't blame you for thinking so.  You can't really understand the level of my geekiness until you've been with me in the theatre as I watch a superhero movie for the first time.  I die.
Don't judge.
I could go into a nice explanation of why I love superheroes so much, but that's not really what sparked this post.  We'll save that for another day :)  What sparked this post is the idea of the superhero's lady.  It seems like pretty much each superhero has one. 
There is a significant part of me that believes in superheroes.  When I'm on a plane and scared of an explosion in the engine that tears off the side of the plane and I'm sucked out of the gaping hole (I hate flying), I sooth my fears, knowing that                 would swoop in and save me as I plummet to the ground.  When I'm out for a jog by myself late at night and I get an eerie feeling that I'm being followed, I brush those fears away, knowing that                   would stop the bad guy just in time, and I would be non the wiser.
I promise this post has a deeper point than how it's sounding thus far.  This is all just leading up to it.
In order to be the one saved from the plane, or the one watched over during the night jogs, I've gotta be the superhero's lady.  So I started thinking... what do I know about a superhero's lady?  Am I anything like one? 
First, we've never seen an unattractive one.  The ladies are beautiful.  I would never describe myself as beautiful.  So, whatever, there's that.
Then I realized that just because, at some point in their relationship, these ladies play the damsel in distress, they're not weak.  They're strong.  They have beliefs, values, and opinions.  They stand up for these things.  Whether the adversary they face is some larger-than-life, only-your-superhero-can-take-him-on villain, or the average-joe who is going against what they believe in, they don't back down.  They are plenty powerful.  They're good, and they fight on the side of good, as much they can, with the power that they have.
I would definitely like to work up to being the lady the superhero falls for.  She's a hero who stands for what is good, who helps people, and who fights her foes, without the radioactive bite, other-worldly powers, or millions of dollars to armor the rock-hard abs.  She seems like a pretty fantastic type of person to me.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

On my way home!!!
Honestly, right now I'm just sort of going.  I don't think it will fully hit me until I unpack... and I take forever to unpack, so it will take a while!!
Getting home from school is a day-long journey.  I guess that's a little bit of an exaggeration, in all honesty, and even if it wasn't, I guess a day of traveling isn't that bad.
I left Rexburg at about 9:45 this morning.  It's 2:45 now, and I'm in the Salt Lake airport for the next hour and a half, waiting for my flight.  I definitely don't mind this part of the trip.  Really, it's getting past security and checking my bags that's the most stressful part.  But I did all that successfully  so it's all good!  Now I've just got to wait for my flight, and I've got my laptop, phone, a crochet hook and a ball of yarn, so I'm set!  The only other unpleasant part now is actually flying.  I hate flying.  Hate it.  It scares me.  I'd really rather not die in a fiery crash.  But I'm going to try not to think too much about that.
So, I'm almost home!  Let's see, if all goes according to plan, I'll have landed in five hours.  And then it's straight to a wedding reception.  Thaaaaaat's not my favorite idea, but oh well :)  It gave me an excuse to get done up this morning!
Ok.  I'm rambling.I guess I'm looking for something to do, besides spend hours on pinterest.  But even I am getting bored with this post!  So, wish me luck in my travels!  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Currently waiting for my roommate to open up the restroom (WHO takes a bath in the morning?  When you know there are four other girls who will need to get ready for the day??), so I can take my shower and start doing stuff.
Because there is stuff to be done!!  I head home Saturday morning, and need to put things in storage, return books, pack, clean... at least my finals are done!!
I really hate this point in the semester.  I hae needing to say goodbye to people I've really come to love.  Especially because as much as we say we'll get together, when you're spread out so many states apart, what's the REAL chance of that happening??
Also, leaving here is just bittersweet in itself.  This place is really another home of mine.  I pretty much love it here.  And my break is five months long.  That's a REALLY long time!!  It takes me a while to get back into the swing of things at home, especially since I'm coming back when people are still in school, so they're too busy, and too responsible to play with me!!  And with the way the job market is right now, there going to be very few people who will want to hire someone for just five months!  And, in all honesty, while I don't like being poor, I love my freedom :)  So, I'll just have a lot of time to devote to losing weight!!
On the other hand, I love home!  It's warm, it's sunny, it has beaches and Disneyland and malls and REAL Mexican food.  And, of course, it has my people.  I love my people :)  My friends and family who I haven't seen for months, and who I truly do miss.  My people are pretty cool.  I sort of like them a lot.
AND it's five months of not stressing about academic things, and not needing to buy my own groceries.  So, a BIG yay for those things!  And five months gives me time to reach certain goals that I really want to reach, so I'm happy to have time to devote to that before coming back up here.
It's both good and bad.  But I'm REALLY skilled at focusing on the good :)  So, everything's wonderful!

Friday, April 5, 2013

So, I'm from Southern California, going to school in Idaho.  Before beginning my first semester up here, I had seen it snow once.  Besides the fake stuff they do at Disneyland after the Christmas fireworks.  But anyway.  Most of my time up here has snow.  Flurries, blizzards, hail, freezing rain, slush crossing the street, patches of ice on the sidewalk, snowflakes which dance on the wind, right up into your nose... it's a new way of life.  As are seasons!  In Cali, it's warm.  Those are our seasons; WarmWinter, WarmSpring, HotSummer, WarmFall.  Sometimes it rains.  Sometimes it's kind of cold.  But it's generally warm.  AND I LIKE IT THAT WAY.
It's not that same way here.  Fall feels like how I imagine fall ought to feel; cold, crisp, brisk, with changing leaves.  You wear scarves out of necessity, not because they're cute.  And winter?  Well, I don't think this is how winter is suppose to feel.  A friend from back home told me once that "There's a crack in the ground in Rexburg, and the winds from hell rise up from there, and blow through the whole town".  I laughed when she told me.  I believe her now.  I don't believe hell is hot.  I believe it's cold, and there are great patches of ice everywhere, and even the snow is slippery, and stepping out of your apartment makes your nose hairs freeze, and even your eyeballs feel cold, and if you're not wearing earmuffs, you feel like there is some permanent damage being done to your eardrums because of the freezing air.
Anyway.  That was ranty.  Clearly, Rexburg weather is not my favorite.  However!!  To the point.
When you experience months of this bitter, biting, deathly, I-understand-what-the-pioneers-went-through type of winter, you LOVE THE HECK OUT OF SPRING. 
This week, spring has finally, graciously granted us with her presence.  The sun is shining, and you can actually feel the warmth from the sun.  These past couple of days, it's actually been hitting the 60s.  In the middle of this pst winter, I was wondering if I would live to see that again.  On Wednesday, I found myself sitting outside on the dead grass that has been buried under the snow for so long, soaking up the sun, listening to my music, and content as I could be-- in 58 degrees.  This place really does something to a person's head.  Living like a popsicle for months really changes your perspective on what a "nice, warm day" is!! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Grown up responsibilities make me kinda crazy!!
It's the last two weeks of the semester, which means that I have finals and papers and projects... and the stress is slowly building!  I just need to remind myself in the crazy times that regardless of how crazy things are, or the outcomes, it will all be over in two weeks!!
Also, grad school.  I think it's INSANE that it's something I need to give so much attention... because, holy cow, how is it possible that I need to be making such grown up decisions???  I still have about a year and a half before that leg of the journey, but that means now is the time to really sort things out in my head, and figure out where I'm going. 
Umm, can't I just play and laugh and shop and read fun books?!  I guess that's what summer break is for... to forget about the grown-up responsibilities, and recharge my battery!

Monday, April 1, 2013


I'm a 24 year old college girl, Cali born & raised.
I've got a little bit of a hippie in me.
I love road trips, car dancing, and loud music.
I love sunflowers and pink lemonade.
I thrive in the sunshine.
I love to run around Disneyland all day long.
I love playing in the ocean and sitting around a bonfire with friends and marshmallows.
I love riding bikes and singing along to the music in my head.
I love to read late into the night.
I love my people and going on adventures.
I am a gospel-centered Mormon gal.
If you can make me laugh, you've won me over.

"Blogs" seem to keep coming up in conversation, so I thought I would give it a go.  I'm a little bit of everything, so if you come along on this fantastical journey with me, that is JUST what you'll be getting!