Sunday, May 12, 2013

So, life and stuff!!
Firstly, it's good.  I'm back from school until September, and that has a lot more ups than downs!  I could go in to more detail about that... actually, I wrote two long paragraphs going into depth about it, but ended up erasing it.  It's just not necessary, and would make a long read for anyone out there!!  Let's just say I miss some stuff about being at school, and there's a lot of stuff I love about being home :)
I'll be able to start making some money soon, which is absolutely nothing short of an answered prayer!!  I was getting to the point of starting to feel really stressed about money problems, and not wanting to ask my mom for help, when I reached out to someone in my mom's ward.  This woman is just amazing... I have nothing but wonderful things to say about her and her family.  I had babysat for her before, and sent her a message on facebook, letting her know that I was home, broke, and looking to babysit!  It just so happens that she and her husband had been needing a babysitter (lucky/blessed me!).  Tomorrow I'll be going over and giving it a sort of test run, since they have a new baby in addition to their sweet team.  This opportunity (if all goes well) is definitely God watching out for me.
Another big thing in my life (ha ha that's an unintentional pun you'll get in a minute) that I'm working on is my weight.  Since the beginning of this year, I've lost about 25 pounds, which gets me almost half-way to my goal.  Lately I have not been going as hard as I can, but I'm re-dedicating myself tomorrow.  At the end of June, I'm doing a Color Run (sooooo excited!) with my mom.  I want to be close to my goal weight by then, and I am absolutely determined to reach my goal weight by my birthday (July 20th).  I believe in the power of me :)
So, yeah, grown up responsibilities, getting healthy and fit (I want to be able to win the Hunger Games), cleaning the house a lot (but somehow always neglecting my own room...), and getting my SoCal glow back are the big things I'm working at now :)  This is all tossed in with a new church callings, friend time, family time, and trying to sit down and just read... and I like it just fine!!

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