Sunday, September 21, 2014

That One Time I Got Inspired Again

Any time someone mentions having a blog, I become inspired to get back into writing mine.  If only people would mention blogging to me more often, maybe my blog wouldn't be going a year without any attention...
Not that there have been many grand events which slipped by without notice!! In the past year, I received my endowments, survived a flash flood and realized that, contrary to my previous belief, I am not ENTIRELY useless in the face of a crisis, and have had the pleasurable opportunity of seeing head wraps and flower wreaths-- styles I have adored since childhood-- become an acceptable fashion statement.
I'm back up at BYUI, entering into what will hopefully (cross your fingers and knock on wood) be my final two semesters before graduation. I have loved my time here, but I am definitely at the point of being ready to move on. Hopefully once I graduate, I will be moving down to Provo, Utah to try out life there! Not to be counting those chicken before they hatch, or anything...
This semester will definitely be more of my trying ones. I think. That's what the beginning of this semester is telling me. Maybe the dust of the first week will settle, and I will be pleasantly surprised as I gaze upon a semester where syllabi are tossed to the wind, and no one dares to speak filthy words like midterms and APA. And the flowers always bloom, and the temperature never drops below 50. You know, while I'm dreaming.
The crazy semester is, luckily, balanced out nicely by the girls I live with! I think I've got a good batch this semester, which is a relief and a blessing. Movie nights, ice cream runs, and greetings accompanied by hugs when I walk in!  I got pretty dang lucky there. Plus friends I've lived with before are here, and they are just some people whom I adore. Weekends where we can bond and play are what pull me through!
I am going to really try to keep this blog more updated. Not like I'm expecting much that's grand, but this is finding joy and wonder and lessons and growth in the small and everyday things. And if a grand thing happens, I will happily share it!

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